عن المؤلف:

Brian Tracy is a well-known speaker and trainer in the world today. He is the author of more than 50 books that have been published in 36 languages.

عن الكتاب:

Brian (the author) describes his book in the introduction chapter saying “This book is written to show you how to get ahead more rapidly in your career and to simultaneously enrich your personal life. These pages contain the twenty-one most powerful principles on personal effectiveness I have ever discovered.”

Below are the 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time. Each way has been put in a separate chapter:

  1. Set the Table
  2. Plan Every Day In Advance
  3. Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything
  4. Consider the Consequences
  5. Practice Creative Procrastination
  6. Use the ABCDE Method Continually
  7. Focus on Key Result Areas
  8. The Law of Three
  9. Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin
  10. Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time
  11. Upgrade Your Key Skills
  12. Leverage Your Special Talents
  13. Identify Your Key Constraints
  14. Put the Pressure on Yourself
  15. Maximize Your Personal Power
  16. Motivate Yourself into Action
  17. Get Out of the Technological Time
  18. Slice and Dice the Task
  19. Create Large Chunks of Time
  20. Develop a Sense of Urgency
  21. Single Handle Every Task

(Your "frog" is your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don't do something about it. It is also the one task that can have the greatest positive impact on your life and results at the moment), quoted from the Introduction of the book.

اقتباسات من الكتاب:

"The first rule of frog-eating is: "If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first”"

"Look for the good in every situation, “difficulties come not to obstruct but to instruct""

رأي القارئ:

This book is a good read for everyone especially those who seek better productivity in what they do or normally work under stressful environments which require proper prioritization and efficient time management. The attractive title of the book “Eat That Frog!” refers to completing the biggest, ugliest task you may have in front of you on any given point in time.

Worth listening to indeed. I would recommend it.

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