عن المؤلف:

About the Author:

John C. Maxwell is a famous American author, coach and speaker. He is considered as one of most well-known leadership experts in the world.

عن الكتاب:

John has explained in detail in his book different types of thinking that are important for one to become successful. Each type is described in a separate chapter with lots of real life examples from successful people.

Key chapters (11 keys to successful thinking):

  1. Cultivate big-picture thinking
  2. Engage in focused thinking
  3. Harness creative thinking
  4. Employ realistic thinking
  5. Utilize strategic thinking
  6. Explore possibility thinking
  7. Learn from reflective thinking
  8. Question popular thinking
  9. Benefit from shared thinking
  10. Practice unselfish thinking
  11. Rely on bottom-line thinking

Link to the audiobook on YouTube:


اقتباسات من الكتاب:

"Thinking is hard work; that is why so few do it"

"When I find a place to think my thoughts, my thoughts find a place in me."

"I kind of found a formula that can stretch your thoughts. It says “the right thought plus the right people in the right environment at the right time for the right reason equals the right result.” This combination is hard to beat."

"French Philosopher who won Noble Prize in literature in 1927 asserted that a person should think like a man of action, act like a man of thought."

"Keep learning, keep growing, and keep looking at the big-picture. If you desire go be a big thinker, that’s what you need to do. Thinking question: Am I thinking beyond myself and my world so that I process ideas with a wholistic perspective?"

"Author of the “Five faces of Genius” asserts “The most valuable asset you bring to your work and your firm is creativity”."

"You can’t build a house in mid air. It needs a solid foundation! Ideas and plans are the same; they need something concrete on which to build."

"A Spanish novelist said “A man who is prepared has his battle half fought!”"

"“None of us is as smart as all of us”, Kenneth Blanchard."

"“We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own” Ben Sweetland "

رأي القارئ:

This book is a good read for those who need motivational doses to be successful.

Although the subject of the book is commonly discussed, John [the author] managed to present it with lots of insightful quotations and famous sayings which made it more meaningful.

Worth reading and I do recommend it.

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