عن المؤلف:

Peter D. Adams

عن الكتاب:

Peter has explained in detail how he has changed his life for better by achieving the 12 crazy goals that he had set for himself. Peter was not initially happy with his life circumstances so he decided to do a major change and take a massive action to change his reality to become what he dreamed to be.

The book talks about various techniques and tools that can be used to bring the vision of one’s dream life to his/her present reality.

Audiobook duration: 2 hours

اقتباسات من الكتاب:

"Write some goals that will stretch you out of your comfort zone"

"Nothing good can ever come from thinking negative thoughts. Decide now to PURGE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS FROM YOUR BEING."

"Visualization: Actively use your imagination to create the movie in your mind of what your Dream Life looks and truly feels like. When done effectively, you will be able to create a visualization which will seem as real to you as your dreams when you sleep."

رأي القارئ:

This book is indeed a good read for those who want practical examples of how to achieve their own dream goals in life.

Although the subject of the book is commonly discussed and repetitive, Peter [the author] did manage in my opinion to add his own flavor to the subject by explaining the exact visualization techniques that he followed to manifest the life of his dreams.

The inspirational story I liked the most was the Iron Man Triathlon which I found very motivating.

This book reinforces the famous Law of Attraction which can be easily seen and learned from most of its stories.

Worth reading and I do recommend it.

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